About me

My name is Simon Tamayo and this is my personal portfolio. I love science, travels, scuba diving, snowboarding, motorcycles and squash.  I love the world at large, I wish to live in many countries, I want to taste many foods and meet all kinds of people. I would like to be a better painter, a better scientist and a better human being. I would love to learn to pilot airplanes, to sail, to play the piano and to speak many languages.

About my scientific life

To learn more about my scientific and professional life, you can check the 2 books that I have written (about Machine Learning and Optimisation); you can also visit my linkedin profile and my github repository.

Research is a fundamental part of my work as a scientist. Here you will find a list of my publications, which summarize the topics that I am passionate about:


  • “Machine Learning and Supply Chain: revolution or passing trend” (Machine Learning et Supply Chain: révolution ou effet de mode), TAMAYO S. & SCHNAPPER A., (2019) Paris, France, 1st ed. 150 pages. Publisher: Presses des Mines, Editor: Presses des Mines, ISBN: 978-23567157707. https://www.pressesdesmines.com/produit/machine-learnig-et-supply-chain-revolution-ou-effet-de-mode/
  • “Operations Research applied to industrial management” (Recherche opérationnelle appliquée à la gestion industrielle), TAMAYO S., CARDIN R., ECHEVERRI S., PINO D., (2016) Paris, France, 1st ed. 286 pages. Publisher: CreateSpace, Editor: Industrial Optimization Press, ISBN: 978-1530248728. http://www.amazon.fr/dp/1530248728

Chapters of books

Scientific publications

  • “Data analytics in pharmaceutical supply chains: state of the art, opportunities, and challenges”, NGUYEN A., LAMOURI S., PELLERIN R., TAMAYO S., LEKENS B., (2021), International Journal of Production Research. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00207543.2021.1950937
  • Explainable AI and how causality is one of the main challenges in real-life ML applications, TAMAYO S., (2021), 1st Latin-American Workshop on Service-Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future (SOHOMA Latin America 2020)
  • “Unsupervised machine learning for analysing city logistics through Twitter”, TAMAYO S., COMBES F. & GAUDRON A., (2020), Transportation Research Procedia, 46C, pp. 220-228. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520303859
  • “Interactive simulation for collective decision making in city logistics”, GAUDRON A., TAMAYO S. & de LA FORTELLE A., (2019), Transportation Research Procedia, 46, pp. 157-164. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146520303768
  • “Identification of critical success factors risks and opportunities of Industry 4 0 in SMEs”,MOEUF A., LAMOURI S., PELLERIN R., TAMAYO S., TOBON-VALENCIA E., EBURDY R., (2019), International Journal of Production Research. 58 (5), 1384-1400. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00207543.2019.1636323
  • “Analysis of the opportunities of industry 4.0 in the aeronautical sector”, GUYON I., AMINE R., TAMAYO S., FONTANE F., (2019) 10th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics – IMCIC 2019 (Orlando, USA). https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02063948
  • “Classifying logistic vehicles in cities using Deep Learning”,BENSLIMANE S., TAMAYO S., DE LA FORTELLE A., (2019), 15th World Conference on Transportation Research – WCTR (Mumbai, India). https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02144606
  • “Food open-air markets in Paris: transportation environmental issues”, BENOIT R., GUNOT C., TAMAYO S., GAUDRON A., FONTANE F., (2019), 15th World Conference on Transportation Research – WCTR (Mumbai, India). https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02144605
  • “Electronic health record in the era of industry 4.0: the French example”, MANARD S., VERGOS N., TAMAYO S., FONTANE F., (2019), International Conference e-Health 2019, (Porto, Portugal). https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02191437v2
  • “Interactive Simulation To Explore Urban Distribution Schemes”, GUDRON A., TAMAYO S. & de LA FORTELLE A., (2019), Transportation Research Procedia, 37, pp. 75–82. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146518305234
  • “Mathematical method for calculating batch fragmentations and their impacts on product recall within a FIFO assignment policy”, TAMAYO S. & MONTEIRO T., (2019), arXiv:1905.08651. https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.08651
  • “Modelling the Time-dependent VRP through Open Data”, LOMBARD A., TAMAYO S. & FONTANE F. (2018), International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists – IMECS 2018 (Hong Kong). https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.07555
  • “Simulation de l’utilisation des aires de livraisons en ville par la méthode de Monte-Carlo”, GUDRON A., TAMAYO S. & de LA FORTELLE A., (2018), Les rencontres de la mobilité intelligente ATEC 2018 (Paris, France). https://hal-mines-paristech.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01980261/document
  • “Vehicle routing problem with roaming delivery locations and stochastic travel times (VRPRDL-S)”, LOMBARD A., TAMAYO S. & FONTANE F., (2018), Transportation Research Procedia 30 (2018) 167–177. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146518300917
  • “What economic indicators influence e-commerce? Approach through statistic regression and open data”, BARME A., TAMAYO S. & GAUDRON A., (2018), 20th International Conference on Urban Transportation and City Logistic ICUTCL, (London, UK). https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01790991/document
  • “Quantifying flows of urban goods using image processing and Machine Learning”, TAMAYO S., SATTLER X. & GAUDRON A. (2017), 7th METRANS International Urban Freight Conference (Long Beach, USA).
  • “Industry 4.0 and the SME a technology-focused review of the empirical literature”, MOEUF A., LAMOURI S., PELLERIN R., EBURDY R. & TAMAYO S. (2017), 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management IESM (Saarbrücken, Germany). https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01836173
  • “Simulating environmental impacts of urban deliveries”, JLASSI S., TAMAYO S. de LA FORTELLE A. & GAUDRON A., (2017), 7th METRANS International Urban Freight Conference (Long Beach, USA).
  • “Truck-bike multimodal distribution scheme for urban deliveries simulation for operational planning”, GAUDRON A., TAMAYO S. & de LA FORTELLE A., (2017), 7th METRANS International Urban Freight Conference (Long Beach, USA).
  • “The industrial management of SMEs in the era of Industry 4.0”, MOEUF A., PELLERIN R., LAMOURI S., TAMAYO S. & BARBARAY R., (2017), International Journal of Production Research, V56, pp. 1-19. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00207543.2017.1372647
  • “Simulating environmental impacts of urban deliveries”, JLASSI S., TAMAYO S. de LA FORTELLE A. & GAUDRON A., (2017), 7th METRANS International Urban Freight Conference (Long Beach, USA).
  • “¿Cómo la modelización y la optimización pueden revolucionar las decisiones industriales y logísticas?”. TAMAYO S., (2017), Congreso de Ingeniería Mecánica, Sistemas ciberfísicos en ingeniería Mecánica (Medellín, Colombia). https://canalenvivoeafit.wordpress.com/2017/10/21/congreso-de-ingenieria-mecanica-sistemas-ciberfisicos-en-ingenieria/
  • “Rendre efficaces les aires de livraision”, TAMAYO S., GAUDRON A. & DE LA FORTELLE A., (2017), TEC Revue de la mobilité intelligente, TEC No.233. https://www.revuetec.com/revue/rendre-efficace-aires-de-livraison/
  • “Simulating impacts of regulatory policies on urban freight: application to the catering setting”, JLASSI S., TAMAYO S., GAUDRON A. & DE LA FORTELLE A., (2017), 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport “IEEE ICALT 2017” (Bali, Indonesia). https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8547005
  • “Les moyens de mise-en-œuvre de l’industrie 4.0 pour le pilotage industriel des PME”, MOEUF A., LAMOURI S., PELLERIN R., TAMAYO S. & BARBARAY R., (2017), 12th Congrès international de génie industriel CIGI2017.
  • “Modèle d’évaluation et d’optimisation de la localisation des zones de livraison en ville”, TAMAYO S., GAUDRON A. & DE LA FORTELLE A., (2017), Congrès ATEC ITS “44ème édition des rencontres de la mobilité intelligente” (Paris, France).
  • “Just in time and SMBs in the time of Industry 4.0”, MOEUF A., LAMOURI S., PELLERIN R., TAMAYO S. & BARBARAY R., (2017), 15th Colloque National AIP-Priméca (La Plagne, France).
  • “Strengths and weaknesses of small and medium sized enterprises regarding the implementation of lean manufacturing”, MOEUF, A., TAMAYO, S., LAMOURI, S., PELLERIN, R. et LELIEVRE, A., (2016), MIM 2016 – 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, (Troyes, France). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405896316308059
  • “Difficultés d’implémentation du Lean manufacturing dans les petites et moyennes entreprises”, MOEUF, A., TAMAYO, S., LAMOURI, S., PELLERIN, R. et LELIEVRE, A., (2015), 11th Congrès international de génie industriel – CIGI2015 (Québec, Canada). http://www.simagi.polymtl.ca/congresgi/cigi2015/Articles/CIGI_2015_submission_85.pdf
  • “Relationships between national culture and Lean Management: a literature Review”, MARTINS A. F., COSTA R., TAMAYO S., LAMOURI S. & BALDY-NGAYO C., (2015), 6th IESM Conference I4e2 (Sevilla, Spain). https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7380183/
  • “Development of a leagile transformation methodology for product development”, LEMIEUX A. A., LAMOURI S., PELLERIN R. & TAMAYO S., (2015), Business Process Management Journal, Vol.21, No. 4, pp. 1-31. https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/BPMJ-02-2014-0009
  • “Using artificial neural networks to predict grain boundary energies”, ECHEVERRI S., TAMAYO S., THIJSSE B., (2014), Computational materials science. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0927025614000573
  • “A genetic algorithm for locating minima in the grain boundary energy landscape”, ECHEVERRI S., TAMAYO S. & THIJSSE B., (2012), Modelling simulation mater. Sci. Eng. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0965-0393/21/5/055017/meta
  • “Sanitary risk detection for a safer food chain management”, TAMAYO S., MONTEIRO T. & SAUER N., (2010), 3rd International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain – ILS2019 (Casablanca, Morocco). https://hal-univ-tlse3.archives-ouvertes.fr/LGIPM/inria-00601312v1
  • “Deliveries optimization by Exploiting production Traceability information”, TAMAYO S., MONTEIRO T. & SAUER N., (2009), Engineering applications of artificial intelligence. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0952197609000542
  • “Dispersion optimization using a genetic algorithm”, TAMAYO S., MONTEIRO T. & SAUER N., (2009), International journal of advanced operations management. https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJAOM.2009.030676

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